Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair...

The Catholic season of Lent started today.

As you know from that link up there, Lent is the time of sacrifice and fasting before Easter, which lasts 40 days (not including the Sundays). It is costumary to give something up for Lent, or to do something extra. I chose to do sacrifice beads, and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day.

However, God sometimes chooses to send us even bigger crosses than we anticipate.

Today has been, quite frankly, pretty darn awful. I'm exhausted, I don't feel good, and I anticipate the moment of becoming very hungry, as those from 14 to 66 in the Church are obligated to fast from snacks between meals (not, of course, if they have a medical need that makes this an undo ill to their health).

In the words of the epic and quite amazing Matt Thiessen, "...the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair."

Life is not fair. I know that. I'm trying not to care so much, because whether or not life is fair, it really is beautiful. In my bumpy journey towards Heaven, I need all the grace I can get.

Grace makes life 'not fair'.

And that's the beauty of it.

(To Cat, Rachey, and all the other peoples who are celebrating Lent and love Matt Thiessen!)


  1. That's what I call awesome. I totally just heard this song today and was like "oh. Grace makes life unfair. W o w."
    must be a God thing. ::)

    Love you, Clare-la. I hope your day(s) get better and I c a n n o t wait to see you next week ::)

  2. Thanks sisteh...yes, i'm doing much better already :). Me neither....looove you!!! *hug*
