As of September 22nd, it is now Autumn! The leaves are changing colors and falling off, and pumpkins are showing up in all kinds of forms!
So...what have I been up to? Why haven't I posted in so long?
Well. Let me tell you....
Lately, I have written nothing, drawn nothing, painted nothing, cleaned very little, worked a lot, gotten behind on my schoolwork, and worried endlessly about an endless list of things.
So, there's no good reason for me not to have made a post of SOMETHING.
I've been tired, I caught my first cold of the season, and I just haven't felt like writing anything. But I want to. I just have nothing in me TO write. It's no excuse, but its something.
But I'm very grateful you are reading this, because I do dearly love my blog, and I hope to share things that are worthwhile with you.
Summer is gone, so, as is my little tradition, I like to listen to the song Summer Again, by The Afters. It's a little bit sad, but very beautiful, and welcomes Autumn in while saying goodbye to Summer.
God bless!